divendres, 4 de gener del 2019


Potser sigui d'interès per als discutidors sobre la crítica literària al nostre país aquest fragment d'una entrevista amb Pamela Paul, Gregory Cowles i Barry Gewen, responsables de les ressenyes del New York Times, sobre les regles i criteris de la publicació per evitar conflictes d'interessos (via @KatyDerbyshire):

“First, we do a preliminary online search and go through our own archives. If you’ve reviewed an author for us before, you can’t review that person again. With small publishing houses, you can’t review someone if you’re in the same house, even if you don’t have the same editor or the same publicist. You can’t review someone who shares the same agent as you. If you’ve been on a panel with the author and it was antagonistic, we wouldn’t want you to review that person. If you have written a book blurb for the author or been blurbed by that person, you can’t review him or her.

All that said, we then ask the reviewer to disclose any possible conflicts of interest, and that often results in a back-and-forth.

What’s complicated is social media, because everyone is “friends” online. So we sometimes get into intricate discussions, like, “You follow her on Twitter, but have you ever direct messaged?” We want to get a sense of whether you actually know the author.

  "How The Times Avoids Conflicts of Interest in Book Reviews" (8-X-2018)

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