diumenge, 25 de desembre del 2011



Now out of the night
New as the dawn into the light
Oh this child, innocent child,
Soft as a fawn
This child is born
One small heart
One pair of eyes
One work of art
Here in my arms
Here he lies
Trusting and warm
Blessed this bond
A child is born
Now out of the night
New as the dawn into the light
Oh this child, innocent child,
Soft as a fawn
This child is born
One small heart
One pair of eyes
One work of art
Here in my arms
Here he lies
Trusting and warm
Blessed this bond
A child is born

1 comentari:

  1. Quina meravella!! Saps? Fa un parell d'anys vàrem cantar aquest tema amb el Cor Espígol i el trio de l'Ignasi Terraza. D'aquelles experiències que no s'obliden. Bon Nadal!


Gràcies per la vostra opinió

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