Avui una de Zits, per gentilesa de la Carlota.
—Jugues a dames?
—No, gràcies. Estic escrivint als meus blocs.
—Blocs? En tens més d'un?
—Tres, de fet... Un és per expressar les meves idees. Un altre per expressar les meves idees sobre aquestes idees... I el tercer per qualsevol idea que se'm pugui acudir mentre escric les idees sobre les meves idees.
This reminds me a great teacher of English critizing a journalist that wrote something liake that "...Alfred Pruffrock you know", so that any reader is supposed to know who is this gentleman because I know that you know what I know and if you do not know about whom I am talking about it means that you are a bloody ignorant and you are not expected to read what I write.